by Chamo Johor | Nov 15, 2023 | Accessories, Android, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Samsung, Screen, Software
Lcd replacement. Problem: Screen crack. Solution: Replace lcd. Screen crack, phone jatuh lcd hampir tercabut, atau screen tercabut sampai ribbon. Phone hidup, tapi display gelap notification ada masuk. Hai. Harini kami nak kongsi masalah salah sorang custemor kami...
by mrfixjb | Sep 26, 2023 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, ios, Power Supply, repair board, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software
Power supply repair. Problem: Tak hidup/short. Solution: Repair board (power supply). iMac tiba-tiba takboleh on, try plug in pon sama tak hidup. Kekadang bila nak on kan tu tiba tiba bunyi “pop” n terus tak boleh on. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai...
by mrfixjb | Jul 25, 2023 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Battery, Black Shark, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software
Battery replacement. Problem: Battery problem/tkboleh cas. Solution: Test, tukar battery. Battery problem? Battery phone cepat drop n phone panas. Kekadang phone dah full cas, tk sampai 1 hari battery dah low . Sehari 2-3kali cas. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai...
by mrfixjb | Jul 11, 2023 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software, whatsapp transfer
Transfer Data. Issue: Transfer whatsapp. Transfer data seperti whatsapp transfer dan lain lain gambar/document. Dari and roid to iphone atau iphone to android. Kekadang dari android to android atau iphone to iphone. Hai. Harini kami nak share kongsi mengenai salah...
by Chamo Johor | Jul 4, 2023 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Battery, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Samsung, Software
Battery replacement. Problem: Battery kembong. Solution: Battery replacement. Battery problem? Battery cepat habis dan phone panas. Tengok tengok battery kembong. Perasan yang screen ternaik. Hi. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang...