by mrfixjb | Mar 15, 2022 | Accessories, Apple iPhone, Battery, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iPad, LCD, Macbook, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Battery replacement. Problem: Battery service and lcd crack(line). Solution: Tukar battery and lcd replacement. Macbook/laptop problem? Battery macbook cepat habis. Kekadang bila cas tak masuk. Kekadang termati sendiri. Battery ada keluar service. Hai. Harini kami nak...
by mrfixjb | Mar 14, 2022 | Accessories, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, LCD, Macbook, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Screen crack. Solution: Replace screen baru. Macbook/laptop problem? Screen crack berdouble line pada screen. Crack dalam. Kekadang screen black bila on ada bunyi tpi display takde. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor...
by mrfixjb | Mar 14, 2022 | Accessories, Android, Chamo Johor, Hardware, Huawei, info, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Lcd crack. Solution: Tukar lcd baru. Lcd crack? Jatuh terhempap. Screen crack display ada line line colour, lcd problem. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang menghadapi masalah terhadap phone. Beliau datang ke...
by mrfixjb | Mar 10, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, iphone 7 plus, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Lcd crack. Solution: Tukar lcd baru. Lcd crack? Phone jatuh tak perasan, bila perasan screen crack. Ada sekali tu jatuh screen crack tpi sebahagian takboleh touch dan sebahagian boleh touch. Kekadang pada display screen ada line-line...
by mrfixjb | Mar 7, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Glass Replacement, iPad, Outer Glass, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen, Touchscreen
Glass replacement. Problem: Screen crack. Problem: Replace glass. Screen crack? Tapi masih ada display dan boleh touch. Tiada sebarang line atau black dot. Hanya crack dan boleh touch. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang menghadapi...
by mrfixjb | Mar 4, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Lcd crack/Line colour. Solution: Tukar lcd baru. Lcd problem? Phone jatuh crack screen. Bila tengok pada screen ada line/double line colour. Lcd problem. Depends pada model phone n issue rosak. Sebahagian model boleh tukar glass atau lcd set....