by mrfixjb | Apr 1, 2022 | Accessories, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Glass Replacement, Hardware, info, ios, iphone, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen, Touchscreen
Repair speaker. Problem: Speaker rosak/riboon volume problem. Solution: Replace speaker. Speaker problem? Sound tak berapa jelas bila buka youtube. Sound pecah. Seperti ada suara mengganggu. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang...
by mrfixjb | Mar 28, 2022 | Accessories, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, LCD, Motherboard, repair board, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen, Software
Repair board. Problem: Phone masuk air. Solution: Repair board. Phone jatuh? Masuk air terus tak hidup. Ada satu masa bila phone masuk air tapi masih hidup lagi tetapi pada screen display lcd ada tompok tompok colour kesan air masuk. Hai. Harini kami nak share...
by mrfixjb | Mar 25, 2022 | Accessories, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, ios, iphone, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen, Touchscreen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Screen crack berdouble line colour. Solution: Tukar lcd baru. Phone jatuh? Screen crack teruk lepas jatuh tak perasan. Bila perasan on screen ada black dot berline line colour pada screen. Kadang-kadang hanya screen sahaja crack. Hai. Harini...
by mrfixjb | Mar 24, 2022 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, whatsapp transfer
Whatsapp transfer android to iphone. Issue: Transfer data. Sejak iPhone 13 keluar ni, ramai nak buat whatsapp transfer. Ada yang cuba buat sendiri. Sebahagian...
by mrfixjb | Mar 19, 2022 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, whatsapp transfer
Whatsapp transfer android to iphone. Issue: Transfer data. Sejak iPhone 13 keluar ni, ramai nak buat whatsapp transfer. Ada yang cuba buat sendiri. Sebahagian jadi...
by mrfixjb | Mar 19, 2022 | Accessories, Apple iPhone, Battery, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor
Battery replacement. Problem: Battery cepat habis. Solution: Tukar battery. Battery problem? Battery cepat. Bila tengah buat kerja tiba tiba termati sendiri. Bila on kan battery terus drop lemah. Kekadang baru cas full, battery lemah hanya pakai tak sampai 40-50minit...