by mrfixjb | Feb 24, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Battery, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor
Battery replacement. Problem: Battery cepat habis. Solution: Tukar battery baru. Battery cepat habis? Dah full cas pon sama battery tak tahan lama tak sampai 40-50minit battery drop lemah. Kekadang ia termati sendiri dan bila hidupkan battery tiba low walhal masih...
by mrfixjb | Feb 24, 2022 | Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software, whatsapp transfer
Whatsapp transfer android to iphone. Issue: Transfer data. Sejak iPhone 13 keluar ni, ramai nak buat whatsapp transfer. Ada yang cuba buat sendiri. Sebahagian jadi dan sebahagian...
by mrfixjb | Feb 23, 2022 | Android, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software, whatsapp transfer
Whatsapp transfer android to iphone. Issue: Transfer data. Sejak iPhone 13 keluar ni, ramai nak buat whatsapp transfer. Ada yang cuba buat sendiri. Sebahagian jadi dan sebahagian...
by mrfixjb | Feb 22, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Screen crack. Solution: Tukar lcd baru. Lcd crack? Touch issue. Display ada line/double line colur lepas hatuh atau tiba tiba keluar line. Lcd problem. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang menghadapi masalah...
by mrfixjb | Feb 22, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, info, ios, iphone, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen
Lcd replacement. Problem: Screen crack. Solution: Tukar lcd baru. Lcd problem? Jatuh crack. Takboleh nak touch. Kekadang sebahagian boleh touch dan sebahagian takboleh touch. Bila jatuh tengok screen crack dan bila perasan ada line muncul. Line colour. Hai. Harini...
by mrfixjb | Feb 21, 2022 | Android, Chamo Johor, info, iphone, Motherboard, repair board, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor
Repair board. Problem: Phone tak hidup (board short). Solution: Repair board. Phone problem? Board problem. Ada pernah masuk air? Kekadang ia tiba-tiba termati sendiri bila check, board issue sbb takde bacaan power. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang...