by mrfixjb | Feb 6, 2025 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Battery, Chamo Johor, Charging Port, Hardware, info, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen, Software, Water Damage, Xiaomi
Lcd Replacement. Phone masuk air? Tak hidup terus. Kekadang masuk air ni mulanya hidup satu masa tiba tiba screen flickering hijau atau ada kesan air pada display. Ada masa terus blank tapi ada bunyi/vibrate. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor...
by mrfixjb | Feb 3, 2025 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Charging Port, Hardware, info, ios, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software
Charging Port Replacement. Charging port problem? Cas tak masuk, longgar. Port terbakar atau kaki pin patah sangkut. Bila cable masuk air, tak perasan terus cucuk phone. Bau hangit terbakat terus tk boleh cas. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor...
by mrfixjb | Jan 23, 2025 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Samsung, Screen, Software
Lcd Replacement. Lcd problem? Screen crack , half screen ada display, half blank. Jatuh atas jalan , tertusuk batu tajam teru crack belubang screen n blank terus display. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang menghadapi masalah terhadap...
by mrfixjb | Jan 22, 2025 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, ios, iPad, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Screen, Software, Touchscreen
Touchscreen replacement. iPad screen crack? Jatuh terhempas crack. Model ipad kalau screen crack, touch semua okay lagi dan tiada sebarang line colour or dot, boleh tukar touchscreen atau glass bergantung pada model ipad. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah...
by mrfixjb | Jan 22, 2025 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, ios, LCD, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Samsung, Screen, Software
Lcd Replacement. Phone jatuh screen crack terus blank. Kena pulak jatuh atas jalan, terlanggar phone jadi bengkok. Bila bengkok banyak yang problem n effect samping pada board atau lain lain. Hai. Harini kami nak share mengenai salah sorang custemor kami yang...
by mrfixjb | Jan 21, 2025 | Accessories, Android, Apple iPhone, Chamo Johor, Hardware, info, ios, Repair iPhone Kempas, Repair Smartphone Johor, Software, Transfer Data, whatsapp transfer
Transfer WhatsApp, Data. Biasa dengar dari android kepada iphone, jarang sekali iphone kepada android. Tiada masalah pon mana mana, yang penting setiap masalah/cabaran ada penyelesaian/cara sama seperti whatsapp transfer dri android to iphone atau iphone to android....